Volunteer Training Opportunities

Jul 3, 2024 | Beacon, Learning, Members News, News, RE-Flections

Save the Date for Saturday September 7 for an amazing day of volunteer training!

Emergency Preparedness

All are invited to attend an Emergency Preparedness Training offered by our own Rebecca Chatfield. This training will take place from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in Spring Hall. The training will cover topics related to facilities/general population emergencies: overall emergency prep, fire, earthquake, evacuation, and active shooter. It is encouraged that all Sunday volunteers attend. Please contact Amanda Alice Uluhan or Nicole Duff to RSVP.

Religious Education

Join us from 9:00 am-3:00 pm for the Back to Church Teacher Training. This annual in-person training is required and will bring together all members of our teaching teams! Our programs are cooperatively led by members of the congregation. Some of the information you provide below will be shared with volunteers and staff who care for your child. Volunteers are screened and trained on safety and facilitation.

We need volunteers – like you! – to help make our ministry happen. Both parents and non-parents’ volunteer. Every family not otherwise teaching in RE will be assigned one Sunday every two months to assist in the classroom. One of the best ways to get involved is by leading a Sunday school group or coordinating a special event. If you are able, we encourage you to volunteer in a Religious Education classroom or elsewhere in our Children, Youth, and Families programming.

The greatest volunteer need is in our Sunday programs. As an East Shore Kids or Youth Advisor volunteer, you will be part of a facilitation team of four to six people to lead small groups of kids where we build community and encourage confidence and self-awareness. The time commitment is approximately two Sundays per month, and you work with your team to schedule, plan, and when needed, call in for a sub.

Volunteering is a great way to connect with other folks in the congregation while getting a wider window into what our church is all about. We have an intentional focus on building intergenerational relationships at East Shore, and volunteering in Religious Education is one of many ways we facilitate opportunities for multigenerational engagement.

From working with children, to staffing events, all community members can find a way to contribute to our community. East Shore Kids programs are created in the spirit of community ministry, with staff and congregants partnering to lead and develop children and youth programs. Be sure to meet our wonderful staff and get in touch with them to start your UU journey at East Shore.

This form helps us to learn a little more about you and what volunteer opportunities might be available to you. Additional information, assessment, and training will be required to complete the volunteer application process. ESUC R.E. programs adhere to all UUA’s youth safety and inclusion guidelines.

Please complete this form and we’ll be in touch within 7 days. If you have any questions, please email or call (425) 747-3780 ext. 104.

Sunday Morning Welcoming

If you are excited about possible membership growth… you are perfect for helping with Sunday morning welcoming! We need greeters, ushers, coffee makers, seat buddies, and online greeters each week. After the Emergency Preparedness Training, plan to join Nicole Duff in the Sanctuary as we talk about what you need to do to feel comfortable being a Sunday Morning Welcoming Volunteer. The training usually takes 60-90 minutes. We will go over everything from how to be welcoming, how to collect money, and I can even show you how to make the coffee. Volunteer time is flexible as you pick the days you are available to help. If you want more information on what it takes, please contact me at [email protected].

by Amanda Alice Uluhan & Nicole Duff