Office Volunteers
Did you know that East Shore has volunteers in the front office to help keep things running smoothly? Front office volunteers do different things including copying, making posters, printing the order of service, keeping up our data base of attendance, and making sure we have milk and cream stocked for coffee hour! We do our best to find activities that can suit your skills and interests. It’s great to have someone in the front office to answer phones, greet visitors, and help folks navigate the campus and church. Some of our volunteers stay for a couple hours, and some stay for a full day. Contact Amanda Alice if you want to help.
Ushers on Sunday mornings are incredibly important! Ushers are responsible for passing out the Orders of Service, helping people know where to go, plus collecting and counting the offering. We need YOU to grow our usher team. Training will be offered, and the schedule is flexible using a Sign-up genius to pick the Sundays that work best for you. Youth are welcome to help, as long as one adult is available to assist in counting the collection. Contact Nicole Duff if you want to help.