by Nicole Duff, Membership Development Manager
We are bringing back one night a week when we all can gather for a potluck dinner, worship, children and youth care, social activities or meetings. This September we are making this happen: join us for Tuesday nights at East Shore!
Starting Tuesday, September 3, we will begin our All-Ages Community Night! Starting at 5:00 p.m., you’re invited to gather for a potluck dinner. At 6:15 p.m., we’ll have an opportunity to pause for a moment to center, celebrate, and reflect with a short worship service. At 7:00 meetings and the social event will begin.
We want to encourage other meetings and teams to move their meetings to a Tuesday night. This is a great opportunity to involve new people in your teams. To add an event or update your room reservation, fill out this form.
Make it a night where family and friends can enjoy a meal together. Let this be a time to get to know our amazing community of people!
We will have childcare in the nursery for free play, stories, and movies, plus a study room with adult support for those who have to keep on top of school work.
For the fall, the social event schedule will be:
- First Tuesdays: Meditation with Science of Spirituality – A free program for both new and experienced meditators who wish to deepen their practice of meditation on the Inner Light” Everyone welcome. (They are also available on the Third Tuesdays!)
- Second Tuesdays: Sing Along – Join Eric Lane Barnes for a fun, theme based sing along. All voices welcome!
- Third Tuesdays: Game Night – Join Nicole Duff for an all ages game night! Bring a game you love, or learn a new one. All ages and skill levels welcome!
- Fourth Tuesdays: Meaningful Movies on the Eastside – This popular film group is moving to East Shore this fall! Watch a powerful documentary about a relevant social justice issue and stay for a discussion. Popcorn provided!
Email Nicole Duff ([email protected]) with questions to help volunteer organizing the dinner, worship, social events, childcare, or study room!
Email Amanda Uluhan ([email protected]) to volunteer to help with worship, childcare, or the study room.