by Roger Greene, Worship Ministry Team
Last year, the value of song lyrics as an important form of literature was highlighted when the Nobel Prize was awarded to Bob Dylan. Music inspires and guides us, and the interplay between lyrics and music has a special impact upon our lives. On July 8, the Worship Ministry Team is planning a lay led service focusing upon songs that hold an important place in our lives, and highlighting lyrics that relate to our UU values. Is there a special song that has inspired you, influenced your understanding of the world, changed your actions or your attitude, or improved your relationships? We invite congregants to share why particular songs or lyrics have held special meaning in their lives. Please make July 8 the service where you participate and share. We invite you to send us some meaningful lyrics, along with a brief outline of an explanation you would like to say to the congregation, typically in a 3-5 minute talk. Or you can put your thoughts in writing for a member of the Worship Team to read (with attribution or anonymously, as you prefer). Any kind or style of music, from modern works to older hymns, is appropriate.
To plan properly for the service, we would like to receive submissions by Sunday, June 24, or earlier. In addition to sharing thoughts on lyrics, we plan to perform some of the songs submitted. Please email you thoughts to [email protected], or you can deliver them on paper to Nicole at the office. We’re excited to hear your contributions.