The Right Relations Task Force (RR Task Force) is moving toward its goal of establishing a Right Relations Mediation Team (RR Mediation Team) and planning how best to gather input for East Shore’s Covenant of Right Relations. We have already been called on to further explain our mission and answer questions and concerns about how Right Relations is being woven into the fabric of our community. Until a Mediation Team is established and trained we will continue to serve East Shore whenever we are asked.
Here is our time line:
- We solicited applications for the RR Mediation Team and are now reviewing the applicants.
- Currently, we are hoping that your committee, ministry team or affinity group is working on its own Right Relations Guidelines. For a helpful guide for your group go We will be reaching out when asked to offer assistance in the coming weeks. When your guidelines are complete, please forward a copy to any member of the RR Task Force.
- Currently the RR Task Force is establishing its timeline and best practice for the drafting of an all-church Covenant of Right Relations. We will be asking for your input during this time. This work will continue through the winter and spring.
- January 1–16: The RR Task Force will choose the 5-6 members of the RR Mediation Team.
- January 16: Final nominees will be presented to the Board for its approval.
- January 28: The RR Mediation Team will be introduced to the Congregation during the service.
- February 1: Your group’s Right Relations Guidelines are due. Your group’s guidelines will help inform East Shore’s Covenant of Right Relations.
- January 28–June 5: The RR Mediation Team will be trained and will meet monthly to further hone its skills, and will begin mediation between groups and/or individuals when needed.
- April 2018 Board Meeting: The deadline for completion of a Covenant of Right Relations Draft. This will be followed by introduction of the draft covenant to the congregation for final tweaks, additions, edits.
- June Congregational Meeting: East Shore’s Covenant of Right Relations will be presented to the Congregation for it adoption at the Annual Congregational Meeting.
The RR Task Force: Louise Wilkinson, Aisha Hauser, Lee Dorigan, Mary Anderson