by Amanda Alice
Did you know that we offer Sunday school education during the summer? Beginning Sunday June 17th throughout the summer, we’ll have 10:00 a.m. multi-age education programming for children and youth. We take the opportunity of good weather to move our bodies, be creative, and above all, get outside! Amanda, our RE programs coordinator, is offering an outdoor garden ministry program in the East Shore P-Patch, or community garden. Each Sunday, we’ll learn something new about working with air, water, soil, and plants. Amanda incorporates lessons from the Earth and about the Earth into her ministry, and centers play and sensory interaction in her class time with the children. LeAnne, our preschool teacher, will be leading a class focused on creativity and innovation, using game invention and play as the base for each class. Her class will create games with materials from campus, and learn to construct and play them together. The preschool room will continue to be staffed by Noé Struble, a newly-bridged young adult. Registration requested. Please contact Amanda to register [email protected]