Registration has opened for our retreat March 17-19, Friday through Sunday, at Rainbow Lodge in North Bend (about a 30 minute drive from East Shore).
Register Here!
Our retreat will be led by Rev. Elaine Peresluha, for a spiritual, educational, and fun three-day workshop called “Cakes for the Queen of Heaven.” This curriculum has its 40th anniversary this year, and many long-time UU women were inspired by this exploration of the feminine divine. Many of us have never experienced “Cakes,” and it’s time we did! We need some alternate energy and spirit sources in our lives and in our world right now!
Written by Rev. Shirley Ranck, this workshop series examines important elements of today’s women’s lives; personal, interpersonal, and societal. The primary question raised is: How would your life have been different if, when growing up, the divine had been image as female? Participants are encouraged to share their own experiences and beliefs, creating trust and strong bonds of friendship.
Friday: We begin with an overview of the weekend and an altar building ritual, so be sure to bring a token of significance in your story.
Saturday: We’ll learn more and connect with Herstory of the Feminine divine, her persecution through the ages, and its lingering social and political effects on us. We’ll also have time for free reflections, artful play, more ritual. There will be opportunities for massages, hiking, games, conversation, and general relaxation. You’ll get a schedule with specific choices later.
Sunday: we will participate in a worship service that we create ourselves over the course of the retreat.
We share meals from Friday night dinner to Sunday lunch.
COSTS (Includes sleeping room for two nights, all programming, and meals beginning with dinner on Friday evening through lunch on Sunday)
Double room: $215
Single room: $265 (singles are limited…first reserved, first served)
Days only:
Friday $45 (includes dinner and programming)
Saturday $80 (includes lunch, dinner and programming)
Sunday $45 (breakfast, lunch and worship service)
SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE Contact any of us listed below
Rainbow Lodge is in North Bend, WA
There are brochures on the WP bulletin board in the North Room. Contact registrar, Dianne Upton, for registration questions. Feel free to contact Emily Dietrich or speak to any Steering Committee member: Nancy Barnes, Barbara Elliott, Kathy Forrest, Katherine Fugitt, Ryam Hill, Marilyn Mayers for program, volunteer or logistics questions.
WE HOPE YOU WILL COME! We always laugh a lot and get to know each other so much better!