Your Women’s Perspective Ministry Team has planned a year full of activities to connect East Shore women to one other and to our larger sisterhood. Those who identify as women as well as those who support women’s issues are welcome!
Our Theme for 2022-23: Reproductive Justice Action for Access and Choice
At our annual meeting, it was decided that our ministry efforts this year will focus on reproductive justice. We will work nationally, regionally, locally and denominationally to address the many issues that ensued from the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe V Wade.
The UUA is currently organizing a denominational response, which we are participating in. We are hoping this will be in place by the end of the summer. We will then bring a plan of action to this Congregation. If you would like to be involved in this effort, contact Lori Saccardi.
Opportunities for Community and Connection
We have plans for several events this year. Please look for more information in upcoming Beacon articles on activities, which will include:
- Movie nights
- Outdoor walks
- Indigenous Women’s Issues program
- Reproductive Justice Sunday sermon/program
- Annual Retreat
- Margaret Fuller Tea
We are also looking for ways to connect ESUC women across generations; suggestions are welcome! Please reach out to any member of the Steering Committee with questions or suggestions:
Margaret Hall (co-chair)
Lori Saccardi (co-chair)
Sheridan Botts
Barbara Clagett
Geri Kennedy
Marcia Sill
Nicole Duff, Staff Advisor: [email protected]