by Chris Struble
The Worship Team is one of the core teams of East Shore Unitarian Church. It provides worship associates to assist the minister with services, and plans services for Sundays when the minister is not available.
I have chaired the worship team for the past year, and been an active member for several years before that. The team has delivered many excellent Sunday services, and provided worship associates and musicians for many more services during that time. At the same time the demand for our help has increased, participation in the worship team by the congregation has declined. That is not sustainable.
On April 4, I notified Rev. Furrer, the Worship Team, the Board, and the staff I am stepping down from my role as chair of the Worship Team, effective June 30. My wife LeAnne and I will also be leaving the Worship Team on that date. I do not have a successor, and after we leave, there will not be sufficient members remaining for it to continue to function. This is an opportunity for a reset, for the congregation and Rev. Furrer to focus attention on worship, and to decide how you all want it to be done going forward. It is also an opportunity for new leaders to step forward. I am happy to be an informational resource for the new Worship Team, in whatever form that will take, and whoever that will be. Contact me with any questions at [email protected].