Welcoming Congregations

Welcoming Congregations

We know that religious spaces haven’t always been welcoming places for all people, especially when it comes to gender and sexuality. We are out to change that. East Shore Unitarian Church renewed their Welcoming Congregations status in 2023.

Welcoming Congregation Program helps us learn how to undo homophobia and transphobia in our hearts and minds, our congregations, and our communities.

The work of welcome is never done. Join us in doing this important work to make all feel welcome.

Women Helping Women

Women Helping Women

Help other women and girls in our own community and worldwide in a variety of ways. These include support, such as donating supplies and cooking monthly meals, for local homeless women at The Sophia Way Shelter. Women Helping Women (WHW) continues to partner with friends at MAPS to work on an international project for women and girls that has been vetted by UUSC. Volunteers have started another year of tutoring at Lake Hills Elementary School. Opportunities are available in the reading program, the art room, and the bilingual program. WHW provides other ongoing and one-time projects as needed.

How you can transform your faith into justice:

  • Join us in cooking and/or delivering meals
  • Donate travel size soaps and other toiletries
  • Volunteer at Lake Hills Elementary School
  • Participate in one or more of our many projects helping girls and women