
We love to gather, talk, learn, and share a meal! Come join us for any or all of our social activities, no membership required.

Coffee Klatch

Do you prefer sitting for coffee and friendly conversation… over trying to listen and be heard at a busy Sunday coffee hour? Then consider midweek Coffee Klatch discussions with a small group of East Shore members and friends. There’s no set agenda, so topics can range from exploring spirituality to promoting justice and more. Come to practice love and build community with us! We’ve been meeting Wednesdays at 10:30 am to noon.

East Shore Outdoors

Enjoy being outdoors? Join the East Shore Outdoors group! We are a warm and friendly community of members and friends who like to get outdoors and do active things. We come together on any particular day, to share our love for the great scenic beauty of the Pacific Northwest, and to walk, hike, snowshoe, ski or other activities. Email Amanda Strombom to get on the email list.

Grounds Team

The Grounds Team keeps the four-acre East Shore campus beautiful and sustainable by weeding, pruning, raking, watering, mulching and pulling ivy and other invasive plants. Memorial Garden and Pea Patch are part of the Grounds Team, and we also collaborate with other East Shore groups like Religious Education, Earth and Climate Action Ministry, and the Family Covenant Circle.

The Grounds Team meets every month for a work party with time for a shared lunch and meeting. Individual or group work opportunities are available. No skills or tools required, just a willingness to help! Come any time and help out for any amount of time during the work party that you are able. For work party dates or more information, please contact David Kappler, 425-652-2753 or at the email below!

Second Sunday Lunch Meet Up

We have a new social called the Second Sunday Lunch Meet-Up. Come and join our fun group for conversation and lunch after service at Tapatio, the Mexican restaurant, in Factoria. All are welcome!

Regular Check-Ins

Members are hosting a regular check-in from 9:00-9:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday over Zoom. This is a great way to get to know some members and make friends. All are welcome! Connect with the East Shore community; share joys, concerns, and needs with one another.

Fourth Wednesday Book Group

The 4th Wednesday Book Club is a jolly group of people of various ages who meet monthly on the 4th Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Important to the fun of discussing our favorite books is the thoughtful, reflective quality of the interchange, the good humor, and the wit and wisdom of the group. Ask Nicole Duff, Membership Development Manager to get connected.

Men’s Breakfast Group

We meet monthly from September through May, usually on the third Saturday morning of the month at a member’s home. Breakfasts provide a relaxed time to reconnect and enjoy each others’ company. There are no dues and everyone is required to check their ego at the door. Our goal is good conversation, sharing and camaraderie. Email Tom Ball to get connected.

Millennial Meetup

Are you a Millennial (born between 1981ish-1996ish)? Nicole Duff is putting together an outing right after worship in Factoria. This is just an opportunity to be social and get to know one another. We will have them the first Sunday of each month. Interested? Let Nicole know!

Women’s Perspective

Women’s Perspective encourages all those who identify as women to join together for mutual support, personal growth, and spiritual enrichment and to use their combined vision and strength to promote human dignity, environmental balance, and world peace. We hold regular social events and each year we hold a full weekend retreat at Rainbow Lodge in North Bend. Email Nicole to get involved or come to any of our events!