Come, come, whoever you are

Next Sunday Service at 10:30 a.m. In Person & Online

Featured Events


The most common answer to “What brought you here today?” is “Connection.” Because of that we work hard to have many ways to make and keep connections at East Shore Unitarian Church, and there is ALWAYS room for more!


We have a rich and varied number of Social Justice and Outreach opportunities. You can transform your faith into action in lots of exciting ways. Some are simple, effective one-time commitments; while others are ongoing endeavors that will engage your spirit at a deeper level.


Our Lifelong Learning program promotes and provides faith formation and educational learning opportunities throughout the lifespan. We provide children, youth, young adults, and adults consistent and continual opportunities to explore, reflect, and learn in a nurturing spiritual community.

Latest News



Beloveds, As we prepare to usher in a new congregational year in September, I send you my deep gratitude for all that we shared last year and also my joyful hope for all that we will dream and build together as we continue our shared ministry journey. I am grateful...

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ESUC Podcasts

ESUC Podcasts

Did you know you can listen to sermons from anywhere? You can listen to almost* any worship service we have. Each week (usually by Tuesday) the Sermon is available via podcast. You can listen and subscribe easily: Apple Open the Podcasts app on your phone. Search for...

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ESUC Joins UU Churches at Pride

ESUC Joins UU Churches at Pride

On Sunday, June 30, more than 70 UUs from the area, with about 40 from East Shore, joined forces to participate in the Seattle Pride Parade. The joyful day was filled with love and support for our LGBTQiA+ siblings in spirit. Special thanks to the Welcoming...

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“East Shore is a community that inspires me to be a better person. It encourages me to reflect and focus on the values that are important to me, the values that I tend to overlook in the everyday busy-ness of life. And it’s made up of incredible people with whom I enjoy spending time and from whom I learn so much!” -Beth Wilson

Contact Us

Have a quick question you need answering or just want to drop us a note? Fill out our email form and we’ll get back to you as soon as humanly possible!

12700 SE 32nd Street
Bellevue, WA 98005

Acknowledgement of Our Indigenous Neighbors

We, at East Shore Unitarian Church, acknowledge that this land is the traditional territory of Coast Salish peoples. We recognize the impact of settler colonialism and pledge to nurture our relationship with our indigenous neighbors. Their ways and understanding will guide us as we work to restore and sustain their homelands upon which we all depend.