What would it look like if we opened the doors to East Shore with love? How can that change the way people feel welcomed and help us all move in our journey of becoming a beloved community. We will also be welcoming new members into our community!
Nicole Duff, our Director of Membership Development, will be preaching.
We encourage masks in all buildings. Read more about our In Person Guidelines here.
• To virtually attend, please Zoom in using room number 989 3107 9078, passcode: chalice.
• To phone into the service, call 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 989 3107 9078.
For those joining, please mute as soon as you enter the room, so everyone can hear. Please note, the services will be recorded, but at this time, there are no plans to share the recording.
Religious Education for children and youth happens during worship on Sundays. Children and youth arrive in the Sanctuary for the just a little bit and welcome in Sunday with a story and song. Then, they attend their own programs in the Education building. Learn more here!
If you don’t have a chalice, but want to light one, check out our Making a Chalice at Home page.
In person services are followed by coffee hour.
A few days ago, Pete Townshend’s “Let My Love Open The Door” came on the radio. I’ve heard this song many times before, after all, my husband is a big fan of Pete and the Who, but for some reason this time I heard it differently.
Yes, it’s a love song, but this time I heard it as a song about a relationship with community. We have love… it’s in our mission statement that we Practice Love. But what does that look really like? What does it mean to practice love inside our own community. You see, when I think of being a part of a community, it is being in relationship, not too dissimilar to a marriage. I’m here with you, for better or worse… to comfort you when you are sick and to celebrate when you are in good health. To be there for all the joys and sorrows of life, and… I expect the same from each of you.
Let me share some of the lyrics:
“When everything feels all over
When everybody seems unkind
I’ll give you a four leaf clover
Take all the worry out of your mind…..
Let my love open the door
To your heart”
I’ve been at East Shore for 8 years now, and you have been there for me through the loss of a parent, grandparent and friend, moving to a new state where I have no family or support system, and giving me support and love when my husband had some medical issues that kept my mind elsewhere.
You all helped me get through those tough times. Maybe not always in the way I needed, but thought was there, LOVE was there.
This community has also been there for some of the best times, when I got married, when my mom comes to visit, when I was honored to become the president of the UU Association of Membership Professionals, we all celebrated together. Those were joys I was excited to share with all of you. Your LOVE made me want to come here and share in those together.
I often start my greeter/usher training with an exercise. Close your eyes, and think back to the time when you FIRST started going to church as an adult. It may have been this week, it could have been decades ago. But something made you get up early, forgo brunch, a summer hike or early football games to go to a church. Maybe it was East Shore, maybe not. But remember back.
Remember WHY you chose to do that. Was something happening in your life? Were you searching for a community to support you, to love you, to open their doors with love and welcome you in?
The song continues:
“Release yourself from misery
There’s only one thing gonna set you free
That’s my love”
Maybe it wasn’t misery, but for most, it was a longing, a longing… to be seen, to have support, for love.
Now, think about what brought you here either in person or on zoom TODAY.
Was it just because you love the coffee here so much? Because your week isn’t complete without a hug from me? (and if that’s the case, I’m always up for hugs!). Probably not. At the core of it, those same reasons are still there…. To be seen, to have support, for love.
So how are we using love to open our doors? Are we? When we show up do we just look for familiar faces to connect with? Or are we treating everyone like they are a part of this relationship? That we want to be there for them through all life has to offer. I believe the potential is there, but it takes practice. Lots and lots of practice.
Anyone who has been in a relationship knows that as time goes on you both grow and change and adapt to new information, new situations, new additions to your family. You don’t only talk about the “good old days” but you talk about the future. You share your joys and challenges. You love them as they are AND as the person they will become. With some changes you WELCOME them – I can’t be the only one who gets a little too excited when my spouse surprises me by cleaning a room while I’m at work? Relationships take work, time, energy, and a commitment to keep working together.
I’ve heard so many stories of why people came to East Shore, what they are looking for. I know we can be that for people. I know there is enough love here that we could fill this sanctuary, the zoom room, and still want to open our doors for more. But that’s a commitment we have to make every week – a commitment to opening those doors and welcoming all who come through it with love.
But that isn’t always the experience everyone has. Some may resonate with
“When people keep repeating
That you’ll never fall in love
When everybody keeps retreating
But you can’t seem to get enough”
When we aren’t welcoming, when we fall short of our full potential, people leave. They don’t come back week after week just for fun, eventually they will look elsewhere for the love they are looking for. When we forget that we are in a relationship with one another and let little obstacles – or sometimes big obstacles – divide us instead of bringing us together, we have stopped opening the doors with love and begin opening them with fear of change, resentment, and a scarcity mentality.
My hope is that every Sunday (and Monday-Saturday), both in person and virtually, each of you will enter East Shore knowing that your love is what opens those doors and welcomes in new relationships. I hope we treat every person as if they are our new – for lack of better words – soul mate in life.
As Pete says:
“When tragedy befalls you
Don’t let it drag you down
Love can cure your problems
You’re so lucky I’m around”
And aren’t we so lucky that this community is around? I know I am, and I know the new members we will be welcoming into our community today feel that way too. We have the potential to be the loving, welcoming community so many people need. So let’s practice and continue working on opening the doors with our whole hearts… because if we do… the possibilities of what we can do are endless.
Let it be so.