What brought you here today?
The most common answer to “What brought you here today?” is “Connection.” Because of that we work hard to have many ways to make and keep connections at East Shore Unitarian Church, and there is ALWAYS room for more! We welcome you to visit us and get to know us whether it be on a Sunday or one of our many programs.
The best way to know what is going on is by signing up for our newsletters.
We love to gather, talk, learn, and share a meal! Come join us for any or all of our social activities, no membership required. Coffee Klatch, Book Group, East Shore Outdoors and several other activities are outlined in greater detail on our East Shore social page!

Care & Support
Our goal is to provide a ministry of hope and caring so no member or friend of our congregation need be alone during a crisis or other time of need. Our Minister is available for guidance and counseling, Lay Pastoral Ministers are available for ongoing support.
Become a Member
The members of East Shore can log in here to learn more about the Board, Bylaws & Policies, Realm, and other member information. If you need help getting access, contact Nicole Duff.