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Bidding will start on Friday November 6. The system will send you an email if you get outbid, so you’ll know to get back online throughout the week to up your bid. You can also set up proxy bids, with maximum amounts, so that the system can up your bid for you, if you wish.
The Auction Team has decided the “Fund-A-Need” item for this year should be a COVID-19 Relief project, rather than something physical needed at church. The idea, proposed by amanda alice uluhan, Director of Religious Education, is to offer a Grocery Drive-Thru or something similar. The project would be funded from the Auction Fund-A-Need, and would provide an opportunity for all members, children and youth to get involved with providing much needed support to anyone who is in need of food and other basics. It would be held at the church, thus helping East Shore to build our connections and network on the eastside. Learn more here!
Bidding on all items will continue through the evening of Saturday November 14, when we’ll be holding a unique Virtual Live Auction event. Live Auction Zoom Meeting ID: 950 9635 0939, Passcode: 319535