CAREGIVERS in every stage and configuration are welcome. FCC is a group of East Shore families with children 0-18 where the adults share and support one another in the journey that is family life!
To connect with the group please email East Shore member, and group facilitator Martin Cox or amanda alice uluhan.
Childcare provided.
The ESUC Family Covenant Circle (FCC) is meeting in person and virtually for a multi-platform option.
For the latest on Religious Education programs, click here.
We have several parking lots. Our upper lot, off SE 32nd Street, is closest to our Sanctuary, it has handicap and stroller parking. There is a roundabout for drop-offs. Our lower, main parking lot is also off SE 32nd Street. There are stairs that will lead you up to the Sanctuary. If that lot is full, there is also street parking on 32nd Street.