Please join Meaningful Movies Bellevue for our screening of Inherent Good, a 60- minute documentary that introduces an increasingly popular grassroots idea: Universal Basic Income (UBI). A vehicle to transform the American economy, UBI has the potential to make our society one that is thriving, sustainable, and centered around the well-being and deservedness of all people. Just imagine what a difference a guaranteed income could make in people’s lives! Inherent Good features comedian and “Liberal Redneck” Trae Crowder as well as former presidential candidate and entrepreneur, Andrew Yang. Please stay for the discussion immediately following the film. Screening courtesy of BayView Entertainment
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Meaningful Movies Bellevue offers free films every fourth Tuesday of the month from September through May. All are welcome to attend these virtual social justice events! The films are followed with a discussion session that often includes local speakers. The Meaningful Movies Bellevue team selects what films we want to show each month and organizes the discussion session that follows the film. If you would like to learn more about Meaningful Movies Bellevue or you would like to be part of this team, please email Lynn Roesch.