How does the national conversation on racial justice apply to Unitarian Universalism? What racial justice issues are UUs called to face within the faith? “Widening the Circle of Concern” is a stunning, eye opening report that answers these questions. A Fall 2020 UU World article called it a guiding star for the future and every UU is being encouraged to read it. “Widening the Circle of Concern” reflects 3 years of work by the authors, diving into aspects of UU culture that reflect systemic racism in the UUA and our congregations. It’s a long document and very thought provoking, making it attractive to break into parts and go through in a group setting.
Registration for the workshop is needed so you can receive a short pre-workshop reading. It will be assumed that you have read it at the workshop. Maximum 10 attendees.
Grace Colton is offering this workshop which will cover sections – Theology and Living Our Values in the World. If the workshop is popular enough, Grace will offer others that cover the remaining 8 sections. You can find the book HERE.
This workshop is focusing on becoming aware, trying on new ideas, and sitting with any discomfort the report brings out in us. As you will see, the report charges Unitarian Universalism the faith, and its congregations, to deepen our engagement in the work of anti-racism and to grapple fully with the cultural change this work demands of us, personally and institutionally. First, we have to take it in. A portion of the workshop will have time for journaling and then, optionally, speaking about your reaction.