Adult Programs

Current Classes & Series



Congregants are vital to ensuring continual learning opportunities for adults at East Shore. Your class ideas are welcome, as they may offer another learning opportunity to what East Shore provides.

Please fill out the form below to begin a conversation about hosting a new class or workshop at East Shore. We’ll get back to you with follow-up questions and to discuss your potential class.

Some considerations are:

  • If you are teaching on a topic, as opposed to hosting a discussion, you are expected to have some experience or credentials to do so.
  • Adult programs can be one-time offerings, a series of limited sessions, or ongoing groups.
  • Know the rules about political action and finances for classes before filling out the form.
  • Money is only charged for Adult programs when covering the cost of materials used in a class. Any money charged must be accounted for and given to ESUC for deposit—you can then be reimbursed from those funds.
  • As you develop your class offering, consider the promotional write up and image that will add interest to your description. Let us know if you would like help.

Adult Programming Request

Fill Out the Form