Nominating Committee Needs Your Help!

Jan 30, 2024 | Beacon, Exclusively For Members

In June 2024, ESUC members will be electing a new slate of Board members and Nominating Committee members. These members are charged with guiding our congregation to fulfill our mission as we live our UU and ESUC values. The Nominating Committee is asking you, the members of ESUC, to nominate people you feel have the qualities, skills, and commitment to lead us – and this includes nominating yourself if you have any interest!

We are seeing a renewed energy in our community as we enjoy the stability of a new settled minister and the warmth and joy that Rev. Maria Cristina brings to our congregation. As we continue to grow into our values, involvement in leadership and governance is more important than ever, as well as more rewarding.

We are also interested in hearing from you about ways you’d like to become involved in teams other than governance. We can help to channel your interests towards involvement in many teams, not just governance related. There is no better way to become connected to the ESUC community than to become involved.

For more information, please look over the Board job descriptions in the link below. These descriptions will give you an idea of the positions and time commitments. We have also included a link to our nominating forms below. Or, if you’d prefer, please complete the Nominating Committee Survey regarding leadership development at ESUC. We look forward to hearing from you!

Volunteer Position Description link:
Job Descriptions

The Nominating Forms:
Nominating Someone

The Nominating Committee will be hosting a Leadership Development Forum on Monday, February 26, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.

Nominating Committee Members: Beth Wilson (Chair), Amanda Strombom, Elaine Cox, Jennifer Foster, Mike Stunes.