Grounds Work Party

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue

Please join us for gardening activities on the East Shore grounds. We will be weeding and pulling ivy, pruning shrubs, and mulching with wood chips north of North Room, reworking the strawberry raised bed, relocating 2 small blueberry bushes, and removing moss from patio pavers, among other projects. Adults and youth (accompanied by an adult) are welcome to help out. If you would like, bring a sack lunch and come to our lunch at noon in the North Room when we can chat and discuss upcoming projects. Come for any amount of time to help out.

Women’s Perspective Walk: Crossroads

Off Site WA

All those who identify as women are welcomed to join with new and old friends at a Women's Perspective walk to the Issaquah Troll and lunch together in the Issaquah Commons afterwards!