
Family Programs

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue

Are you looking for a nurturing and inclusive environment for your children to explore their spirituality? Look no further than our Kids and Youth Programs! Register online today and we'll get your family connected to a peer group of kids and all our wonderful programs.

Earth Renewal Sharing Session

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue

Care about climate action, and what we at East Shore can do about it? Come share your ideas with us at the Earth & Climate Action Sharing session! The Earth and Climate Action Ministry is compiling input from all over our church communities on how we at East Shore can make an impact on our world in new, coordinated and powerful ways. We'll be having a general feedback sharing session after church on March 17. We want to hear from you, so it will be an interactive discussion. No presentations, just sharing common passions and purpose to heal the Earth


Millennial Meetup

Are you a Millennial (born between 1981ish-1996ish)? Nicole Duff is putting together an outing right after worship in Factoria. This is just an opportunity to be social and get to know one another. If interested, please contact Nicole for more information.