
Family Programs

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue

Are you looking for a nurturing and inclusive environment for your children to explore their spirituality? Look no further than our Kids and Youth Programs! Register online today and we'll get your family connected to a peer group of kids and all our wonderful programs.


Black Lives Matter Flash Stance: Bellevue

Bellevue - BLM Flash Stance Factoria Blvd SE & SE 36th St, Bellevue

Join fellow Church members and other UU Churches in solidarity after Church service for a Black Lives Matter Flash Stance in Factoria on the corner by Dacell’s Jewelers.


Intro to Paganism

Online Event

Do you feel a deep connection to nature and are longing to express that feeling through ritual? Are you interested in learning more about earth-based spirituality? Join ESUC member LeAnne Struble and other members of the Salish Sea CUUPS (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) ministry team for a journey into paganism, one of the sources of our UU faith. In five one hour online sessions with music, ritual, hands on learning, and discussion, we will explore this important perspective that encompasses both the ancient and the modern.