“The truth about stories is, that’s all we are.” -Thomas King
We use stories to find meaning in our lives; help us to know ourselves and each other more; and help us ask big questions about life’s mysteries. It’s not all fun and games, but we do want stories to inspire and guide us with big and little challenges! Here is how you can take part in sharing a story!
- Choose a story that is appropriate for ages three and up, that fits with the theme of the worship, and that you enjoy. It can be a story book, an oral or written story, or a personal story from your life.
- Choose a story that reflects UU values, sources, and principles. Consider wisdom from a variety of sources, including world cultures and religions, poets, seekers, teachers, science, the rhythms of nature, and the quiet voice within.
- Make sure that your story is between 3-6 minutes in length and that you share the details with RE staff and the Worship Team.
- If you are recording it as a video, make sure that the recording of the story is sent to Jenny Newell at [email protected] by the Thursday before the date of the Sunday service.
- If you are telling the story live, we ask that you be available to practice sharing it at a Friday dress rehearsal.
- If you have any questions about the story you are choosing, please contact amanda alice uluhan or LeAnne Struble