Sign up for RE Email Newsletter
Please register for RE (religious education) programs. Once you’re thinking you’ll continue attending programs at East Shore, usually after three visits, we ask that you register.
Register online for children and youth in our Sunday programs.
Middle School Youth Group Programs: Ages 11-14, Grades 6-8
Sunday Morning Programs
Winter/Spring 2020 Ages 10-14 (grades 5-8) meet in E-205 for an ongoing program about life skills, using the “Big Life Journal.” Introducing a new curriculum program that will be led by two volunteer RE parents. Much of the focus will be on how to work through challenges and build self esteem, especially in communities of peers.
Middle School Youth Conference
The Annual Middle school conference, or “con” is open to all 6th, 7th, or 8th grade youth active in a UU congregation. It is held on Vashon Island, at Camp Sealth. There’s a ton of fun camp-like activities as well as lots of UU activities about our values and faith. Arrival is early evening on Friday, and it ends about 2 PM on Sunday.
High School Youth Group: Ages 14-18, Grades 9-12
Sign up here for the High School Youth Group newsletter!
We’re on Facebook: for current, active members of high school youth group, request to join our private, group page here.
What’s high school youth group all about?
East Shore Youth Group is a lively, vibrant community of teens, ages 14 to 18 years old, who enjoy sharing life’s many experiences with each other. Youth Group provides meaningful events in a warm, nurturing environment for all who wish to participate. Youth grow their relationships to them selves, to each other, and to the church community. Youth inspire each other to be whole, confident, and curious human beings. The overall program follows the guidelines set forth by the national Unitarian Universalist Association to provide youth with experiences and opportunities in the following categories: worship, learning, community building, social action, leadership and youth-adult relations.
What does a typical Sunday look like?
We gather together, light a chalice, share a song and inspirational reading. We follow that up with a highs and lows check-in for the week. UU youth groups are a safer space, where youth practice vulnerability, trust, friendship, non-judgement, and support.
Following check-in, we use the Tapestry of Faith curriculum, selected by the youth group at the beginning and middle of the year, to dive deeper into the questions they’re curious about. Some years, that means looking into difficult topics, learning about other religions, or practicing Unitarian Universalist traditions.
We also have service projects and social events, each about once a month, during the year.
Special Events & Opportunities: Check back here regularly for special youth group events.
Pacific Western Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association hosts a whole bunch of awesome events and opportunities for high school age youth. Here is a link to their main calendar to stay current with their offerings.
PNWD Spring Youth Con: April 3-5 Camp Cispus, Randle, WA
Fee: early bird $100 thru and $120 thru includes program, 5 meals and cabin housing
Questions: Contact Amanda Radak, [email protected]
What’s a “con” anyway? A youth conference or “con”, is a weekend long retreat planned and run as a collaboration between high school youth and supporting adults. The theme of each con informs worship, small group ministry and workshops. Youth covenant to uphold their standards; a chance for them to live within UU community as they design it. They may be held at a camp or a church and range from 60-200 people, with a youth to adult ratio no higher than 8:1. Radically Inclusive, Spiritually Deep, and Religiously Contagious.
Camp Blue Boat: August 16-21, 2020 in Ellensburg, WA
PNWD’s Camp Blue Boat is a Unitarian Universalist summer camp immersion experience for youth from rising 9th grade to 12th grade graduates. At camp, youth learn about community, spirituality, justice, equality, and also have a ton of fun! UU Camp is based upon 4 basic pillars. After attending, the youth will be able to:
- Articulate beliefs grounded in UU theology and values;
- Develop spiritual discipline;
- Engage in social change rooted firmly in faith, love, and trust;
- Build personal and religious resilience.
July 2020 Transylvania youth pilgrimage
In July 2020, Unitarian Universalist teens from the US and Canada will journey to Transylvania (a region in what is now Romania) to participate in a Transylvanian youth camp. For Transylvanian Unitarian teens, this youth camp is their key religious and community experience for the year, like Cons in the US and Canada.