We are a Board Committee that works for East Shore’s Board of Trustees and the congregation to improve relationships within the community of East Shore. We do this in a number of ways including the 3 C’s – covenant, communication and conflict resolution.
The entire congregation is responsible to create, practice and uphold the Covenant. The Covenant is the collective commitments that provide the landscape and inspiration for us to be our best selves in the ESUC Beloved Community. In 2018, the congregation adopted a Church RR Covenant that is below and is a living document to be revisited and revised as needed.
Right Relations support/facilitate a range of communications that include emails, meetings, listening circles, town halls and restorative events. We support direct communication and deep listening – individuals, pairs, groups and congregation wide. Creating a space where all voices and perspectives can be heard is often at the heart of these communications.
Individually and as a group, RR continues to seek out relevant trainings with the goal of improving our own skills and sharing those knowledge/skills with the congregation.
Conflict Resolution
Tandi Rogers, UUA minister says “conflict is a faith formation opportunity and part of religious community and the human journey”. RR hopes to normalize conflict at ESUC and help our congregation recognize, name and lean into discomfort, impact and harm. The UUA RR training says “conflict that occurs within Covenant, means that we are prioritizing restoration of relationships over being proved right or wrong.”
Practicing with small conflicts helps us develop the skills and be prepared for larger conflicts if/when they occur. Goals for conflict at East Shore:
- Direct communication with other person about conflict (no triangulation)
- Bring a friend if needing support to communicate with the other person directly
- Come to any RR member to get additional support
Upcoming Opportunities to Learn More About RR
April 28 Worship Service
Join members of the RR team after service for an informal discussion to learn more about what we do at ESUC including communication and conflict resolution.
Right Relations Committee
Susan McDonald
Milly Mullarky
Mark Norelius
Maury Edwards
Nancy Barnes
Amanda Strombom
Karin Elofson
Covenant of Right Relations, East Shore Unitarian Church (2018)
We respect and honor our beloved community, ourselves, and others when we:
- Enter this space with a spirit of gratitude for this community and share it openly.
- Hold this community as sacred, balancing our personal spiritual needs with those of others to preserve a brave and safe space.
- Openly share our real selves, being vulnerable and trusting.
- Seek the joy and richness of diversity of people, experiences and culture. Embrace the voices and leadership of marginalized people in all areas of the church.
- Listen to others to discover their deepest needs and intent, with a willingness to be changed.
- Speak our perspective with honesty and respect, recognizing and caring about the possible impact on others.
- Commit to personal life-long learning of skills to help resolve and restore relationships through healing and forgiveness.
- Support the success of our staff, minister, board, and our congregational groups and committees.
- Strengthen and promote the values of our beloved community and Unitarian Universalism and carry them into the future and the larger world.