For over a dozen years, East Shore has been privileged to be of service to several Unitarian communities in the Khasi Hills of Northeast India. Together we have built a strong partnership of mutual commitment to youth education, Unitarian values, and strong personal relationships. Come join us for a celebration of this unique and compelling example of cross-cultural collaboration and fellowship with our Khasi family. Featured will be a LIVE VIDEO VISIT from a primary Khasi Unitarian minister and community leader visiting the US for GA this year. Music by John Chmaj and Barb Clagett.
We require masks in all buildings. We encourage all in person participants to be vaccinated. Read more about our In Person Guidelines here.
• To virtually attend, please Zoom in using room number 989 3107 9078, passcode: chalice.
• To phone into the service, call 669-900-6833, Meeting ID: 989 3107 9078.
For those joining, please mute as soon as you enter the room, so everyone can hear. Please note, the services will be recorded, but at this time, there are no plans to share the recording.
Religious Education for children and youth happens during worship on Sundays. All ages children and youth join in for a fun, interactive, stand-alone UU lesson. 2 adult volunteers per week are needed. Questions? Contact LeAnne.
Learn more here!
If you don’t have a chalice, but want to light one, check out our Making a Chalice at Home page.
Both virtual and in person services are followed by coffee hour.
Our partnership relies on the expertise, commitment and relationships with the Unitarian leadership in the Khasi Hills. These amazing people have led the way in helping us define and grow our partnership. We’d like you to meet some of them.
Derrick Pariat is a strong force in the Unitarian community overall in the Khasi Hills. He is a Unitarian Minister and past president of the UUNEI, the Indian equivalent of the UUA. He helps coordinate staff and activities across the region, and liases with the many contributing Unitarian churches who minister to various parts of the region.
Ro Kharbithai and Throida Shylla have been the stalwart leaders of the Friendship School from its inception. They have built the educational programs, managed the youth and hired and trained the teachers, as they have done in other institutions in Kharang for over 30 years. They have been the glue and the guidance that made the Friendship School a success.
Thwissila Kharbithai (or “Thwiss” as she is known) is the superintendent at the Children’s Village children’s home and a participating member in almost all the village’s educational activities. She has been a consistent voice and presence for evolving education as well as supporting the Unitarian services with the community. In the picture on the right she is seen with her sister-in-law Darihun.
Darihun Khriam is a force in the Unitarian communities in the region. She is the minister at 5 Unitarian churches in Kharang and Smit, and participates in all church leadership projects in the area. Darihun always seems to be everywhere at the right time, with an infectious smile and a deep devotion to Unitarianism in her land. She has been to East Shore – her picture is right at the start of the hallway in our administration building! Stop by and say ‘hi’ sometime…
Thwiss’ husband Khlan is the technology and business leader in Kharang. He operates multiple businesses, everything from business services to bee keeping! Khlan is the driving force to build new economic capabilities in the village, and we have been working closely with him for years to help him develop additional business opportunities and revenue for Kharang.
Barri Mukhim and her husband Nangroi are also community leaders. Barri manages the Children’s Village, a children’s home at the edge of Kharang, where she has also built a garden focused on sustainable agriculture. She participates in many of the church leadership activities and is a strong advocate for educational growth and economic self-sufficiency for the Khasis in the region.
Nangroi is an ordained Unitarian minister, who worked in the International Ministry office at Harvard. He serves in multiple churches and participates in many Unitarian celebrations in the community. He has also been to the US, and is here now, in fact. He was at GA in Pittsburgh this last week, and now joins us LIVE from Dallas, where he was helped lead the service this morning. Hello, Nangroi!
View the slideshow here.