As we prepare for fall, we also need to prepare for more visitors and friends coming to East Shore! Volunteers are incredibly important to making Sunday work, and I want to help. To do that I will be offering a few training sessions for those wanting to learn or refresh their learnings!
Coffee Hour: August 6, 10:15 a.m.
Coffee hour is not only a time to get to connect with one another, but also is a simple way to be welcoming to visitors. On August 6, I will offer a coffee hour training at 10:15 a.m. – right before service. Please mark your calendars and come see how the coffee is made! And if you already feel comfortable please sign up on the clipboard outside or sign up here.
Ushers & Greeters: September 24: 12:00 p.m.
Our greeters are the first people many visitors interact with. They are VITAL to us making a good first impression. Ushers are the steadfast volunteers to ensure things run smoothly and we couldn’t do Sunday morning without them. All those who currently serve in this role and those wanting to should come to a training on Sunday, September 24 after worship.