Music Notes: Pride

Apr 28, 2023 | Beacon, Music, News

2023 has already been such an adventurous year! This last Sunday the ESUC sanctuary rang with song and love as we installed our beloved Reverend María Cristina as our settled minister. Musical guests Emma’s Revolution sang, violinist Caitlin Kelley played, and the ESUC Mighty Choir rejoiced in Seasons of Love. Music truly feeds the soul and body, and last Sunday felt like such a spiritually nutritious meal.

We are having our Music Sunday service on May 21rst. This spring I would like to invite requests from the congregation (and guests) for favorite hymns. Please email me at [email protected] to suggest any number of your favorite hymns. We will include as many as possible!

Our Pride service this year will be on Sunday June 4th. I’m delighted to bring Arnaldo, the internationally celebrated Drag Chanteuse to the ESUC platform. Arnaldo has performed for past East Shore Live shows, and is thrilled to return for this Pride service, one that will focus a bit on what drag is, what drag means, why some people are so afraid of it and how it has transformed so many lives. At a time when so many states are passing ridiculously restrictive anti-drag bills, this will be a timely opportunity to celebrate this timeless art form. Arnaldo has offered to host a question-and-answer session after the service. The Mighty Choir will sing a new song I wrote, commissioned by several LGBT choruses, in addition to a few sprightly Pride-themed songs. With Reverend María Cristina joining the festivities, this will be a powerful, joyful and memorable Pride service!

I wanted to offer up gratitude for the many heartfelt notes and messages I received on the passing of my father in March. It all came upon us so quickly; I was very glad I was able to spend a week with him before he died, and then return a week later to conduct his memorial service. I feel his absence deeply, but am comforted knowing that our hearts were truly aligned in that last week we spent together. Thank you all again for your love and support.

I would like to extend three musical invitations to everyone:

  • If you have ever had an inkling that singing in a choir might be fun, please come join us! We rehearse Thursday evenings in the sanctuary from 7 to 8:30. The ESUC Mighty Choir sings two services per month; members are not required to sing at every service. The choir season goes from the beginning of September to mid June. Feel free to drop in any Thursday evening to see just how fun and connecting being part of a singing community is.
  • If you have a musical talent you would like to share with the congregation, please let me know. I love bringing innate talent and desire to perform to light!
  • There has been talk of forming a drum circle at East Shore for quite some time. I would be very much in favor of this, and I would need help in planning and running such. Have you been in a drum circle? Would you like to be part of one at East Shore? Please let me know!

by Eric Lane Barnes, Director of Music