Consider leading a small group of kids or youth in our upcoming school-year programs. We start September 10 and run through the end of May. Small groups with kids consist of hour-long sessions, three times a month, during worship. We have fun, talk about building up our characters and community, practice mindfulness and gratitude, and learn all about Unitarian Universalist values. In Kids RE, small group leaders mentor children and youth, modeling kind communication, problem solving, and cooperation. Small group leaders work in teaching teams, and it’s a great way to live out our UU mission and build a legacy for East Shore’s future. What these leaders do in our classes is plant seeds for our collective future. We also have opportunities to support families by volunteering during holiday events, leading multigenerational activities, and offering administrative support. Will you join us? Write to Amanda Alice [email protected] for an application and introduction to the 2023-24 curricula. There’s space for you!
by Amanda Alice Uluhan, Director of Religious Education