The fall is a great time to check that all your contact information is correct. You can log into Realm and update it any time and include a photo of you and your family. During the pandemic, the companies that made the photo directories closed, so Realm is our best option for keeping connected.
Realm Training: August 20, 12:00 p.m.
I know not everyone is familiar with Realm and may be a bit overwhelmed, but I’m here to help! On Sunday, August 20 after worship I will host a Realm training introducing everyone to the amazing app! To best prepare, download the “Realm Connect” app (apple – google) and make sure you can login. If you need your password reset or need an invitation to Realm, reach out to me before hand so I can get you set up. You also want to make sure you change your privacy settings. The default is that only staff can see your contact information… but that doesn’t help you stay connected! You can go in and update your preferences now. If you’re not sure what contact information you have, check Realm, or I will have a paper copy of the directory available on August 20 for people to check their current status.
by Nicole Duff, Director of Membership Development