2023 General Assembly

Apr 28, 2023 | Beacon, Members News, News

June 21-25

General Assembly is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists, where we conduct business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings of our faith, and lean fully into our mission and principles. Please join us Wednesday, June 21 through Sunday, June 25 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and/or online for this 5-day immersive experience where we participate in inspirational worship services and informative workshops, reconvene with friends and colleagues, and explore our bustling exhibit hall. GA is an unforgettable experience for the thousands of UUs who attend. Meet us online or in Pittsburgh and you’ll leave with renewed energy and innovative ideas to share with your congregation and community-at-large! Learn more and register at uua.org/ga.

Please note, several staff will be going to General Assembly in person or virtually, as well as their professional days which often happen on the day or two before GA.

Delegates Chosen

At the April 25 Board meeting the Board voted to approve the slate of delegates proposed by the 8th Principle Team.

The criteria for delegates (as approved by the Board of Trustees):

  • willing to or have educated themselves about the issues being voted on;
  • have signed up to attend GA (scholarships may be available);
  • support the 8th principle and UUA leadership;
  • accept they are representing ESUC not themselves as individuals.

Those chosen to represent East Shore are: Mike Radow, Dave Baumgart, Maury Edwards, Grace Colton, Marcy Langrock, Paul Buehrens, Ryam Hill, Beth Wilson (Alternate)

All volunteers are long time ESUC members and have served on the Board of Directors, as Officers, or Chaired Committees. The Majority have attended and voted at other General Assemblies.