Save the Date. May 1. Right after the worship service on Sunday, May 1, we will have the joyous opportunity in a Congregational Meeting to call a settled Minister. The Search Team will have finished their work and chosen a candidate to present for our approval. The candidate will be delivering sermons on April 24 and May 1. The candidate deserves a large turnout, and it will give us the chance to express our gratitude to the search team. A subsequent mailing will explain how you can vote absentee either electronically or on paper, but we hope you will come in person to celebrate this important moment in the life of our church. This is a rare and special event. We haven’t called a lead minister in this century While our bylaws call for a minimum 90% yes vote, both the UUA and your Board of Trustees are hoping at least a 95% yes vote, if not a unanimous vote.
If you haven’t been back to church yet, please consider making this your first trip back.
In faith,
For your Board of Trustees.
Mike Radow