This is proving to be a very busy time for your Board of Trustees. For starters, we are continuing the effort to put in place all the necessary structure, processes, and policies to complete the full implementation of Policy Based Governance working with the Policy & Governance Com. led by Ann Fletcher. We are also completing the implementation of Right Relations processes, working with the Right Relations Task Force led by Louise Wilkinson.
The Board has recently filled two openings – Uzma Butte is now our Vice–President, serving with Jack Slowriver, Ryam Hill, and myself as the officers of the Board. Mark Norelius has now joined the Board as a trustee, serving with our other trustees: Paul Buehrens, Jerry Bushnell, Tom Doe, Lee Dorigan, and Marcy Langrock. All ten of us are now working together in collaboration with Financial Stewardship to complete the Budgeting Process and Operating Fund Drive (OFD) for Fiscal Year 2018/19.
Within the past several weeks, the UUA Pacific Western Region actively engaged with our East Shore Community in a significant listening campaign to understand the nature of our conflict and tensions. The UUA representatives, Jonipher and Christine have stated: “We also want to make it clear that we have no power to make anybody do anything. We hope that teasing the strands of this conflict apart will be helpful and we will make recommendations to you and your leaders.” Plan to attend the debrief on February 18, immediately following our church service.
All of this effort will help us to resume our search for a Settled Minister. The next steps are to create a new Ministerial Search Nominating Committee. We expect to have the nominating committee in place within the next couple of months. As always, we welcome your feedback and discussion. As Board members we will have our badges with green ribbons, and will be available then for discussion, coffee, and snacks.
Thanks, David Baumgart, Secretary – East Shore Board