Undoubtedly 2017 will be a memorable year. We will see significant transitions at the national and local levels as well as within our own church community. Let us move forward, building on our past efforts and experience, to address the challenges that face us while staying true to our principles and values. Despite the frustrations of the past year, we are called upon to recommit to our church and the wider community this year. So let us begin!
January & February all-church planning sessions: We need you!
In December, members of the Board held three Policy Based Governance 101 sessions to introduce congregants to some of the concepts, structure and language associated with Policy Based Governance. Congregants had a chance to ask questions and express concerns in preparation for the series of Town Halls planned for January and the All-Church retreat scheduled for February 3-5. Thank you to all who came, listened, expressed their concerns and posed great questions!
Please mark your calendars, if you have not already, for the following Town Hall meetings, and all-Church Retreat:
Saturday, January 7 (10:00 am-noon, Sanctuary): What kind of impact do we want to make on our world, our communities, ourselves?
Saturday, January 14 (10:00 am-noon, Sanctuary): Does ESUC want to more closely reflect the population demographics of Bellevue?
Saturday, January 21 (10:00 am- noon, Spring Hall): What is the reason East Shore exists? What is our purpose?
Saturday, January 28 (10:00 am- noon, Sanctuary): How do we define and achieve financial stability?
February 3-5: All Church retreat: Reviewing our mission and charting the future course of our congregation, (Sanctuary)
Finally, as 2016 has come to a close, all of us on the Board would like to express our gratitude to all those who have made East Shore such a special place in our hearts and lives.
We thank again our beloved Bob Kechley for his many years of service to East Shore. The All Music Sunday on December 11th, his final holiday music extravaganza with us, encapsulated all that we have come to appreciate of his creativity and passion for music. We have been most fortunate in having had him lead our music program with such dedication and talent. We hope that he will return often as a guest director!
We thank all the many volunteers who make East Shore possible. Whether you participate in the choir, work on the grounds, in the gallery, in the kitchen, in the office, in the class rooms, on the Board or Board Committee, help with the many Earth & Social Justice ministry teams, pastoral care, worship, Seabeck, Connection teams, Affinity groups, Women’s Perspective, Ace Media Crew, East Shore Live, Auction, and various Task Forces, WE THANK YOU! You ARE the church!
We also express our deep gratitude to all the staff for all their hard work over the past year to make our community better organized, more open-hearted and focused: Jason, Elaine, Aisha, Nicole, Tizita, Jessie, Dianne, Chris, Alan, Amanda Alice and Felice, we thank you all for everything you have done for us over the past year! We look forward to working with you in the coming year!