Changing Our Voting Procedure
Golly, just when we thought we were out of the woods with voting, we find ourselves back in the fire. We cannot have online voting at our June 12 Annual Meeting unless we change our bylaws before the meeting. But we want to allow healthy debate, both from those in the Sanctuary and those Zooming in. Fortunately, there’s a solution. We can vote to change the bylaws, to allow Zoom votes, with an email or in-person ballot just as we did in the vote to call Rev. María Cristina Vlassidis Burgoa.
So that is the plan–we will be having a vote to change our bylaws before June 12. The details will be worked out by the ever competent and essential Policy and Governance Committee. You’ll get language of bylaws change to allow Zoom votes, and any background information by email or snail mail, as usual. There will be an absentee option for this vote as well. If the bylaw change passes, we can hold our Annual Meeting in a multi-platform setting, and count people’s votes submitted electronically on Zoom as well as on paper for those in the Sanctuary. We’re happy to be in a congregation that gives voice to the membership. Thus, I’m officially kicking off the Get Out the Vote campaign. Please vote on the proposed bylaws change, and for Board and Nominating Committee, budget, and any additional bylaws changes on June 12.
Budget Town Hall
Your Board has had the pleasure to meet with our ministerial candidate twice, in addition to her two services, and any other open sessions we attended. As of this writing, we have not yet voted to call her as our settled minister. Also of note, we have arrived at a budget to present for your approval. You can hear all about it at the Town Hall on Monday, May 9 at 7:00 pm. That session will be recorded and available on the website.
Minister Transition
While we may still be aglow and full of hope and relief at finally having a candidate to select, I heard of another church that did not get any of their top choices and is left hoping their interim will extend their ministry. So, I feel doubly blessed and lucky that we were matched (it’s often talked about like a marriage!) with Rev. María Cristina.
In closing, let’s remember that part of a transition to a new minister is the warm send-off for the departing Minister. We haven’t had a chance to have a proper farewell with our last several ministers, and it is an important ritual for any church. Rev. Steve Furrer will deliver his last sermon for us on Sunday, June 5. Immediately following the service, the Board will host a short ceremony from the pulpit, and after that, a reception in the courtyard. Details about ways to contribute to a virtual and/or a material gift for Rev. Steve will appear in eblasts later in the month.
As ever, we hold you in our thoughts and prayers as we move forward on behalf of East Shore.
by Mike Radow, Board President