Final Days for 2022 Giving Tree

Final Days for 2022 Giving Tree

The Annual Giving Tree is wrapping up this Sunday, December 11!  Bring those gifts back by that Sunday!  All new, unwrapped gifts with tags securely fastened should be returned to the foyer and delivered to one of our eager elves! We have generously provided over 220 tags with gifts for our six agencies: Childhaven, Friends of Youth, Hopelink, Youth Care, Sound Mental Health, and The Sophia Way.

From infants to seniors – you have given a bit of joy this holiday season that will be treasured throughout the year!   If shopping is not your thing, you may also contribute money and the eager elves will gladly take care of the shopping!  Thank you one and all for your generosity!  The Giving Tree ministry team of Kathi Moritis and Janice Pock (co-chairs) Nancy Bissell, Marian Hayes, Ralph Lutz, Milly Mullarky, Peggy Phillips, Elaine Richlie and Trish Webb thank you one and all!


News from our Khasi Unitarian Partners!

News from our Khasi Unitarian Partners!

On October 21, over a hundred children, teachers, and parents gathered to celebrate the devoted founding teachers of the Friendship School in Kharang, Northeast India. Kong Rophimai Kharbithai and kong Throida Shylla retired from lead teacher roles after 15 years of sustaining the growth and development of the English medium primary school they conceived in 2007. We have partnered with the sponsoring Kharang Unitarian Church ever since. Rev. Darihun Khriam, Minister to the Kharang church, unveiled a large portrait of the school and its founders commissioned by the East Shore Partner Church Ministry team. There was lots of dining, dancing, and singing – more than just a ceremony, our partners held a party! Friendship School classes are to resume in February, after the worst of the rainstorms and winter cold, with two newly appointed teachers joining the five continuing faculty.

Khlanhiwot Lamare, a beekeeper, entrepreneur, and longtime mentor of Khasi Unitarian youth, is the new President of the Friendship School Managing Committee. Bah Khlan reports they’ve established a new source of supplementary income to supplement contributions from East Shore members. They are asking Kharang Unitarians to donate two kilograms of rice per family monthly, with proceeds from the sale to be split equally between the Friendship School and other needs of the Kharang Unitarian church. They have also obtained some additional land from the Village Committee, and Bah Khlan has financed recent improvements to the school compound.

In his most recent WhatsApp messages to us, bah Khlan wrote “We are blessed to have you as our overseas family….I need you all, your encouragement, help, and support…. Please be by my side”. Among all the things we’ve gained through our years of friendship with the Khasi Unitarians, the appreciation, loving welcome, and joy they share as they host us in their homes or we exchange news and photos on WhatsApp is truly exceptional. May it inspire us to do the same!

Women Helping Women Joins Women’s Perspective

Women Helping Women Joins Women’s Perspective

We are pleased to announce that Women Helping Women is now joining with the ESUC Women’s Perspective Ministry Team! Here are continuing and upcoming activities:

We were able to keep up support of The Sophia Way homeless women during Covid by having two teams cooking and delivering monthly meals from their own homes. The Community cooking for Sophia Way MAY start up in January IF we find someone to take the lead. We are hoping to resume cooking together, using the North Room kitchen.

We are also joining the Giving Tree project organizing holiday gifts for Sophia Way residents.  Look for more information soon; the project gets underway in November.

We are resuming our tutoring sessions at Lake Hills Elementary, which we did for 3 1/2 years pre-Covid.  We already have 10 ES members who have expressed an interest in joining this rewarding and helpful project.  Lake Hills school is located 5 minutes from East Shore.  It is a low-income school with 60% of the students whose native language is not English.

Please contact Laurie Wick for more information.

Congregations for the Homeless

Congregations for the Homeless

YOU made a difference! THANK YOU!

East Shore has just participated in our 28th year of serving homeless men at ESUC through Congregation for the Homeless (CFH). This program is part of the year-round rotating shelter program giving the men a safe place to sleep, obtain meals (including a hot dinner), laundry, showers, case managers and stability! Typically, every month, the men rotate to a different church on the Eastside. ESUC hosts the men in October. This ministry is part of the Earth and Social Justice Ministry.

Like most things in 2022 – things are returning to “Pre-covid” routines. Approximately 15 men occupied Spring Hall from 6:00 pm through 8:00 am each day. They also “stayed in” on Saturdays, October 8 and 22. CFH provided a full-time staff member to be with the men at all times. The men have been kept safe and healthy throughout the year.

ESUC provided cleaning material, toiletries, food for breakfast and lunch. The men were able choose from cereal, yogurt, protein bars, snacks, fresh fruit, etc. Several members of ESUC volunteered to deliver groceries and supplies to Spring Hall. Thank you! These items were provided by your pledge to ESUC or through generous donations of the shoppers.

Every night the men were provided a hot dinner – ready to go! For the first 15 days of the month, these dinners were provided by Bellevue First Congregational Church. The second half of the month was provided by various members and groups of ESUC. We had two additional dinner contributors: Cheryl Jurrus from St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church provided two meals. The Hyatt of Bellevue provided dinner the first and third Monday of every month, regardless of where the rotating shelter was located.

Additional thanks go to our ESUC staff – Dianne and Celil for prep work on Spring Hall and being the “go to” for necessary facility items; Vanessa for helping keep the accounting squared away; Rebecca for helping pave the way to allow the men to stay 24/7; Rev. María Cristina for making sandwiches and support; Amanda Alice and LeAnne for RE participation; Nicole for publicity/technical support; and Jenny for office support!


At the time of this writing, we are still in the midst of our ministry. A more detailed report will follow. Please know your kindness and generosity are so very much appreciated. The ministry team of Dean Dubofsky, Peggy Phillips and Priya Vaidyanathan could not have done this without each of you! Please consider joining our ministry team for October of 2023! We would very much like to hear from you. We are happy to answer questions about the program. The yearly commitment is quite limited to August and September (preparation) and October when the men are present. Many hands make light work and the work is so worthwhile! Dean Dubofsky ([email protected]) 425-495-3328, Peggy Phillips ([email protected]) 425-417-1366 serve as Co-chairs.

Final Days for 2022 Giving Tree

Giving Tree 2022: Starts November 18

The season of gratitude and giving is upon us. The exciting news is that we are able to continue our traditional Giving Tree supporting six local agencies. As with many things, we have adapted our traditions with our circumstances. One thing that has not changed is “the need”. These agencies need our help more than ever and families need our support as they struggle to make life “normal” and survive.

Our Giving Tree decorated with tags is coming back to the foyer of our church! The tree will be up Friday, November 18.

Our six chosen agencies are: Childhaven, Friends of Youth, Hopelink, The Sophia Way, Sound Mental Health, Youth Care. These agencies support youth, families, seniors, and others in need.

You have the option of shopping at a store or shop in the comfort of your home! There are four ways to give. In either case: Step 1: Visit the Giving Tree in the foyer of the church and select a tag. All tags and “gifts” to be returned by Sunday, December 11.

  1. Select a tag from the tree – purchase the gift, attach the tag to the new, unwrapped gift, and return to ESUC by December 11.
  2. Amazon Wish List – Some agencies prefer to use an Amazon Gift list. Look for a tag on the tree indicating that preference. Click on the WishList link for agency you choose to give to, and(just as you purchase anything from Amazon), click on your choice and be sure to designate that you want it to go to the agency address provided as you go through the ordering process. Because you are sending a gift, you can indicate on the Gift Message that Amazon lets you fill in that you are from East Shore Unitarian Church. RETURN the tag to the church Giving Tree elves or designated box under the tree noting that you have “sent an Amazon gift.” This will help us track how many gifts are sent.
  3. Gift Cards – If you prefer to purchase a gift card – Select a tag from the tree that requests a gift card. Return the tag with gift card attached to ESUC. The Giving Tree Ministry will sort and deliver to the appropriate agencies.
  4. Monetary Donations – If you prefer to donate money; you can give to East Shore online or mail in a check (12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA 98005). In both instances, please put “Giving Tree” in the memo line. The money will be distributed evenly between the six agencies. Please note, all donations go to the East Shore Operating Fund to support programs like Giving Tree and more. In 2020, ESUC raised an additional $200 per agency ($1,600 total) using this method.

Remember – this is a great opportunity for family giving! We thank you in advance for your generosity to these people in need.

If you have specific questions – please contact co-chairs Kathie Moritis or Janis Pock or visit any of the Giving Tree Elves.

Join the Share the Plate Team

Join the Share the Plate Team

Share the Plate Team is welcoming new members!  Who are we?  Well, nine or ten times a year, we collaborate with the Worship Team and other Ministry Teams to feature the work of non-profits and service organizations during worship.  Our selections connect to stories and themes presented during the service and encourage contributions to organizations during the following month or so.  We invite a representative to speak during worship about an organization’s work and members have a chance to hear and ask questions after the service.  We also try to organize events during the month so members can learn more about the organizations we choose.

The Team takes a close look at the work of an organization and talks with its leaders in the process of making a selection.  Share the Plate recipients may provide direct services or focus on systemic concerns, addressing needs at the local, national, or international level.

Recent organizations selected include:

In October we will lift up the Lhaq’temish Foundation. The Foundation’s purpose is to build a healthy community “by strengthening our people through cultural, social and economic abundance.” Their work supports Lummi students and artists, the work of the House of Tears Carvers (featured in recent totem pole blessings at East Shore), and other needs that are community driven.

Please contact any member of the Team with questions or if you would like to join us. Current members are Trevor Hall (chair), Marty Wilhelm, Cathy Barich, Marilyn Mayers, and Carrie Bowman. We meet on the third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.  Our meetings generally last one hour.

by Carrie Bowman