September 29-October 31
In 1993, Congregations For the Homeless began their rotating shelter with churches on the Eastside. East Shore is a founding member of the program. Over the past 30 years, the program has evolved and grown. This year marks a new era with a new name, expanding programs while continuing the founding program.
The name PorchLight embodies the guiding principles and values underpinning their work: Relationships, Dignity & Respect, Community, and Empowerment. Just as a porch light provides a beacon of hope and warmth, they provide a guiding light for those in need, offering a safe space, support, and a sense of belonging to individuals experiencing homelessness.
East Shore will continue to support PorchLight/CFH during the month of October. The men will arrive on September 28 and stay throughout the month of October. As we are renting our space in Spring Hall, the men will sleep in the sanctuary with access to the North Room. They will be in our sanctuary from 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 a.m. Sunday through Saturday. There will be two Saturdays (dates to be determined) when the men will stay on campus all day. In our welcoming environment, we will continue to provide a hot meal each night, access to breakfast and lunch foods, showers and laundry facilities and comradery. Currently, approximately 15 men participate in the rotating shelter program with the intent to boost numbers to 20.
How can you support this program? Soon you will receive information and link to sign up utilizing Sign-up Genius for supplies, dinners, hosting and shopping. Please sign up and get involved! Contact Peggy Phillips to join the Ministry team for this incredible service opportunity or to ask questions.
A tremendous thanks goes out to Doug Strombom for his work in coordinating updates in Spring Hall kitchen and bathrooms; and Dianne Upton and Rebecca Chatfield for championing the program through the SLT and Board of Trustees.
Stay tuned for updates, check your calendar, start your meal plan and contact Peggy! This is a program that allows for everyone to participate!
by Peggy Phillips