by Amanda Strombom, co-chair
Saturday, November 16, 5:30 pm
As summer comes to a close, one of the most enjoyed traditions at East Shore, our community building auction, is gearing up. While this is a fundraiser for East Shore, it is also one of the best opportunities for building community through events and activities by our members, for our members and friends.
Contribute an Event or Service
Now is the time to start thinking what you could offer as a fun event or helpful service to other members. If you are in a group at church (connection team, covenant circle, book club, etc.), perhaps your group can offer to host an event – it can help you grow your group! Dinners, parties, guided trips, winery tours, and various services are a few ideas. If you happen to have access to a special vacation home, the donation of a few days stay for a lucky bidder or two are particularly encouraged. See a helpful list of great ideas here.
If you’ve offered something for the auction before that you’d like to repeat, or you’re ready to make a new donation, complete our Contribute to the Auction form ( If you have an idea you’d like to discuss further before deciding, contact Keely Cofrin Allen – Contribution Chair, 801-598-5406 or [email protected]. She’ll be happy to talk it through with you. We need all donations by Sunday, October 6th.
Volunteer to Help
Another way to contribute to the auction is by volunteering to help with organizing the auction. No matter what your individual talents or preferences are, the auction team has a job for YOU. While we have a good strong team of longtime volunteers taking the lead, there are many roles where we welcome some assistance with training offered for potential future years’ leaders! If you’d like to get involved now, to help Keely with donations, Amanda with catalog layout, Bob and Steve with food planning, or Milly and Ralph with Silent Auction prep, we’d love to have your help.
This is one of our biggest events of the year and it takes many helping hands to pull it off. The preparation for the night itself begins two days prior and continues through the end of the auction evening. Volunteer positions include set-up in spring hall and the sanctuary, servers, wine pourers, greeters/ directors, data entry, and critically important clean up in the kitchen, sanctuary and spring hall following the festivities. There’s something for everyone…and we need lots of help! If you’re interested in learning more, talk with Nancy Bissell, our auction volunteer coordinator, 425-226-6390, [email protected]
Register to Participate
Starting on Salmon Bake Sunday, September 15th, we will be accepting registrations for the actual event. We encourage you to register online if possible, so that we can easily capture all the necessary information.
Our faithful team of Steve Denison and Bob Weiss are planning a delicious tapas style meal for those attending the Live Auction. Please note that the cost of the dinner covers the operating costs of the auction so all the money bid on items goes to the church!
Three choices for your participation:
- Silent and Live Auctions with dinner – $60
- Silent Auction only, including beverages – $15
- Online Auction – Free! New this year, for those who can’t come on the night, is an opportunity to bid online for a limited selection of silent auction offerings.
Childcare will be available for those attending or volunteering on the night. Catalogs will be online in mid October and attendees can pick up a printed catalogue several weeks before the auction. Copies will also be available the night of the auction.
The Auction Team will have a table after services in the foyer from mid September to sign up volunteers, take donations, and help register attendees. For any other questions you have about the auction, contact Beth Wilson or Amanda Strombom, Auction Co-chairs, 2019 Auction Committee: [email protected] or [email protected].