by Laurie Wick
On June 26th, Pastor Joyce Mumeita spoke at East Shore about the situation of women in Kajiado County, Kenya where she directs Oltalet, an organization dedicated to helping widows and orphans. Ann Nganga, a Kenyan nurse, now resident in Bellevue, introduced us to Pastor Mumeita and her work. Attending the presentation were not only East Shore members and friends but also Christians led by Pastor Josephine Sakuda from Joy Bringers Ministries in Shoreline. These guests, all Masai, are immigrants to our region originally from Kenya. They blessed us with their joyous singing and dancing and a standing invitation to attend their church services some Sunday! To find out more about the work of Oltalet in Kenya or to indicate your interest in attending Joy Bringers Ministries some Sunday, please talk to Marilyn Mayers.