General Assembly Delegates Needed! Represent ESUC

Feb 29, 2024 | Beacon, News

By now you’ve read the Beacon and know GA is in June:

  • The 8th Principle Team is now “Building Beloved Community”, a Board committee, charged with recruiting delegates to GA. East Shore likely will be given 7 slots again. ONE person so far has indicated interest.
  • Being a delegate and voting is FREE! Use the delegate form and express your interest! It would be great to have too many for a change! Go to or email Nicole Duff.
  • ARTICLE II REVISIONS will be voted on. Last year’s very strong support with amendments produced a final version, available at This is a large step forward for the UU movement, the biggest in decades, and delegates will vote it in or not this year. Be a part of UU history! Center LOVE as our highest value!

Attending GA, even virtually, has a price. The early bird price goes up from $280 on March 15. This allows full attendance including the major lectures, like the Ware Lecture, Fahs Lecture, and the whole celebratory shebang!

by Paul Buehrens, Becoming Beloved Community Committee