Thursday, February 8, 9:00 am-3:00 pm in Olympia
Every year, Faith Action Network hosts an Interfaith Advocacy Day (IFAD) during which faith communities across Washington state organize to advocate for state policies reflecting our values. FAN arranges meetings with your district legislators preceded by workshops to prepare you for these visits. For more information on IFAD, advocacy workshops and legislative previews, visit Faith Action Network website:
Let us see a good turnout from East Shore members this year! If you are interested in carpooling down to Olympia on February 8th or would like to know more about what to expect of the day, please contact Marilyn Mayers. It’d be great to have an East Shore contingent make our voices and concerns heard with our various district representatives!
Please note: Registration deadline is January 29th. Register at:
by Marilyn Mayers