New Ways to Support P-Patch

Oct 3, 2023 | Beacon, Justice, News

P-Patch now has some new ways for people to make their donations for the produce table.  Have you noticed the produce table outside the foyer after services? P-Patch ministry shares fresh veggies and fruits from our campus and home gardens. People make donations for the produce.

We’ll soon be selecting a local food justice nonprofit to benefit from this year’s produce table donations. If you have ideas for a worthy local recipient, please let Ann Fletcher or Evelyn or Leroy Smith know.

For the last 15 years P-Patch Ministry Team has been combining healthy delicious organic food with earth and social justice! Please let us know if you are interested in learning more or participating. We hope to have a produce table in late September and/or early October. Then resume again next year. Those making donations have several options:

  • Pay with cash or check at the table or send to the administration offices (P-Patch memo line)
  • Text “ESUC PPatch” to 73256 to give using your mobile device.
  • Donate in Realm on the church website at:
  • or scan QR CODE.