Attention – the Nominating Committee is looking for people who want to serve the church!
Your Nominating Committee for this year includes Jenny Hall (chair), Bill Austin, Barbara Elliott, and Cindy Snyder.
We’re trying something new this year! We are hoping to receive many Indications of Interest in Board positions, Nominating Committee, and other standing committees of the church (Personnel, Finance, Endowment, etc.).
Your church needs you to help take us into the future. Please consider completing the Indication of Interest Form. It can be submitted in a sealed envelope to the church office, or emailed to Jenny Hall.
For consideration for the 2017-18 Board or Nominating Committee positions, we need to have your information no later than January 29, 2017. We will reach out to everyone who expresses interest in the February – March timeline. Please contact Jenny with any questions or concerns about the process.