by Ruth Edwards
The Grounds Core Team continues to ‘care for the grounds because it is our home.’ A team of 10-12 congregants and friends gather together on the fourth Sunday of each month to weed, prune, mulch, rake, sweep and enjoy the grounds and each other. During lunch we report our work and plan the next projects. We appreciate your appreciation of the gift of several acres of land on which our church resides and the work involved in its care. If you wish to let us know your appreciation, please email Dianne Upton, the Facilities Manager and our core team staff person at [email protected]. Also if you see the team out working on the grounds, they would love to chat with you.
The team is starting work on a several-year project of enhancing the north property line area that runs behind the sanctuary and the Administration Building. This area includes the view from the North Room. The team has been working with Heather Harris, landscape designer, to enrich these areas with ground covers, mid-story plants and tall-story plants. These plants will be native or native-like plants. The philosophy of the Grounds Team has been to use native plants as much as possible. Bob Garthwaite, a founding member and former member of the Grounds Committee, has generously donated funds to underwrite this project.
Another project underway, is adding colorful plants just below the new church sign at the southeast corner of the property. The installation of a water line to this area as well as night time illumination has prompted the Team to ‘beautify’ this area.
With spring underway it is helpful to review rules for the safety and enjoyment of all folks who traverse the grounds:
- Please pick up any trash that you see on the grounds and dispose of it in the correct container.
- Please stay on the paths from the parking lot and the street to the church.
- Avoid crossing in front of the sanctuary windows during services.
- Do not do any pruning of plants without supervision from staff or the Grounds Team.
- Report any suspicious activity immediately to a staff member.
- Report any situation that might pose a danger to a visitor or congregant. A caretaker can be reached at 425-749-9143 during church operation when the office is closed.
- The church takes care to provide a safe playground for children. It is best to have an adult present when the playground is in use.
- If you have plants that you would like to donate to the church, do not plant them on the grounds or leave them ‘at the door’ without first getting approval from Dianne. In general, these donations are discouraged.
- If you have a garden tool that you think the team might need, please check with Dianne. At this time the team is well supplied with shovels, rakes, and pruners.
If you would like to help out with grounds maintenance, please just come to the bench in front of the Administration Building at 11:30 on the fourth Sunday and the team will put you to work. If you have questions, please contact Ruth Edwards.