It’s a new year, and wasn’t one of your resolutions to get more involved in the community? Sign up to volunteer.
Did you know Religious Education is one of the primary reasons that bring people to East Shore? Families long for a liberal religious center where they can raise children in community and fill up their cups all the while. East Shore is that Beacon on a Hill. These families can end up staying for a lifetime, making East Shore a spiritual community for the generations that will come! Volunteering in RE isn’t just about teaching, it’s about community building and making our mission come alive. Our volunteers aren’t professional teachers, they’re members in our community who sign up with a team and who partner with the DRE, children/youth, and parents to nurture this place we call home.
Help make a difference in East Shore’s community by signing up to volunteer RE classes: biweekly RE Online (2nd and 4th Sundays) or RE Outdoor programs (1st and 3rd Sundays). If you’re trained in OWL, we’ve started classes again and will be reaching out to you soon!
As an RE volunteer, you will be challenged to have fun, be adventurous, make meaning with our students. You will learn more about Unitarian Universalism, its history, principles, sources, and values than you knew before. You will help nurture and grow your teaching team and partnership with the RE staff and parents. Consistent adult leadership is proven to help reduce childhood trauma, and let’s face it: the world is in need of harm reduction. You can help be that salve right now by sharing your time and talents in RE.
What are some ways you can volunteer with Religious Education?
- Join a team of adult members after worship service with RE Outdoors
- Join a team of adult members before worship service with RE Online
- Sign up for a Time for All Ages story on a Sunday morning worship
- Join the Children and Youth RE Team and share your time and talent with meetings online and take-home projects between meetings
- Help organize! RE has an extensive library and curricula catalog that are sorely in need of some extra TLC and attention
- Organize your ministry team to provide events and opportunities that include children, youth, families, or parents