Building on East Shore’s Mission to Promote Justice
Sharing the Plate with groups outside of East Shore is nothing new. Starting in January we will connect our giving and relationship building more closely to the efforts of our existing Social Justice Ministry Teams. One Sunday, during most months, we will learn about how the work of a team is making a difference in our community and which organizations our teams encourage us to support with our volunteer time or money.
We seek to encourage a culture of generosity that will nourish and deepen relationships with others outside our walls who are building a better world, believing that the more of us who are involved, the better.
If you would like to learn more about (or join) our reimagined Share the Plate efforts, please contact any team member (Reverend María Cristina, Laurie Wick, Betsy Gelb and Carrie Bowman).
by Laurie Wick