Cooking with Amanda – Cleaning Your Arteries: Wednesday, September 4, 7:00-9:00 pm
Eggs are loaded with cholesterol which clogs up your arteries. We’ll talk about how cholesterol, present in all animal foods, impacts your health, particularly your arteries, and we’ll discuss alternatives you can use to eggs in various recipes. We’ll make some delicious egg-free recipes and even try the amazing Vegan Egg. Amanda Strombom, President of Vegetarians of Washington, gives regular cooking classes to support those interested in moving toward a plant-based diet and learning new ways of preparing food avoiding animal products. Each class focuses on a different aspect of going veggie, whether it’s on specific food groups, on a particular health topic, shopping or even holiday cooking. Plenty of samples to taste are always provided. Register here. A nominal charge of $5 per class helps us cover the cost of the ingredients and materials.
Non-Violent Communications: Level 2: Thursdays, September 5-October 10, 12:00-2:00 pm
If you have attended an introductory series to Nonviolent Communication, and have begun to embrace the consciousness and you want to learn more, this workshop series is for you. Led by Pam Orbach. Please bring your curiosity and open heart and join me and the community that will form to explore and expand bringing this into our lives more fully. Let’s learn together. $100 for East Shore members (scholarships available); $250 for non-members.
Humanist Discussion Group: Thursday, September 5, 7:30-9:00 pm
We will resume our monthly meetings on Thursday, September 5, at 7:30 pm in the RE Building. Our topic will be: “How Can an All-Good God Allow Evil?” Here are some online readings to prepare for our discussion:
All are welcome! Contact: John Thompson 425-502-9650.
Mindfulness and Presence in Communications: Second Mondays of each Month, 7:00-8:30 pm
Being more mindful immediately improves the quality of your life, as well as the lives of those around you. Often people think you must meditate for hours a week, or have an intense practice, but not so! In this class you’ll learn some creative and immediately useful techniques to bring mindfulness into your life every day, with minimal effort. This monthly class, led by Brett Hill, is packed with information and practices gleaned from working with founders of mindful-based practices such as Hakomi, Loving Presence, and Matrix Leadership Workshops.
Intro to Non-Violent Communication: Mondays, September 9-October 14, 7:00-9:00 pm
When we experience our needs not being met, and we also hear that some of what we do has impact for others, it can become confusing, painful and disconnecting. Led by Pam Orbach, this 6-week Monday evening intro to communicating and connecting with compassion will create a possibility for us to engage with re-envisioning the shaming and blaming narratives we hold, and develop skills to have more power to increase connection with ourselves and communication with others. $100 for East Shore members (scholarships available); $250 for non-members.
Salmon Bake: Sunday, September 15
Mark Your Calendars! The Annual ESUC Salmon Bake will be Sunday, September 15. We will provide Alaskan Sockeye salmon, a vegan entrée, and chicken nuggets (primarily for children who don’t want fish or the vegan entrée). This is a potluck, so bring a side dish or dessert to serve 6-8 to share. We are asking you to bring a dish based on your last name (to help make sure we have a good spread!) A-F: Dessert; G-R: Salad; S-Z: Side Dish. You can also sign up to help (which is needed!) now.
Youth Advisor Training: Saturday, September 21, 9:00-11:00 am
Based on the Chrysalis model and new paradigms, this newly designed PWR Youth Ministry Program offers comprehensive training for religious professionals and adult youth ministry volunteers. Leadership is provided by trained youth and adults. Learning focuses on best practices models related to safety, leadership development, spiritual practice, community building, and multicultural transformation.
Men’s Breakfast Group: Saturday, September 21, 9:00 am
The East Shore Men’s Breakfast Group meets monthly from September through May, usually on the third Saturday morning of the month. Breakfasts provide a relaxed time to reconnect and enjoy each others’ company. There are no dues and everyone is required to check their ego at the door. We gather every month at two members’ homes to enjoy their selected cuisine. Our goal is good conversation, sharing and camaraderie. The first breakfast is on September 21 at 9:00 am. If you would like to join the group, please contact Tom Ball.
RE Welcome Back Breakfast: Sunday, September 22, 9:00-11:00 am
Whether you are excited to get back to a regular schedule or never want summer to end, fall is coming! We are having a Welcome Back Breakfast for RE families on Sunday, September 22, at 9am. Come connect/reconnect with other families, have fun, and get some important info about the upcoming RE year. RE Orientation for all families with children and youth, 0-18, following the breakfast!
What Is Affordable Housing?: Monday, September 23, 6:30-8:30 pm
What makes housing affordable? Who is impacted by the cost of housing? What can we do to help? This program series will incorporate film, conversation, and presentations from people in our region to explore the complexities of our housing crisis. In addition to planned sessions, topics will incorporate the interests of participants. Hosted by Carrie Bowman. In September, join us for an overview of issues related to affordable housing in our region. Representatives from King County Housing Authority, The Sophia Way, Congregations for the Homeless, and Imagine Housing will provide information and answer questions. This 6-part series meets on the 4th Monday of the month with the following exceptions: in October we meet on Wednesday, October 30, and there is no meeting in December. Sessions will run for 2 hours in the evening. See more details and register here.
Meaningful Movies of Bellevue: Tuesday, September 24, 7:00-9:00 pm
The kickoff screening on September 24th will be Princess Angeline, the story of the Duwamish and their unrecognized tribal status primarily through the life of Princess Angeline, Chief Seattle’s eldest daughter.
Fourth Wednesday Book Club: Wednesday, September 25, 7:30-9:00 pm
Please join us to discuss The Secret of Fat: The Science Behind the Body’s Least-Understood Organ and What It Means For You by Sylvia Tara, PhD on Wednesday, September 25, at 7:30 pm in the Library. Fat is not just excess weight, but actually a dynamic, smart, and self-sustaining organ that influences everything from aging and immunity to mood and fertility. With cutting-edge research and riveting case studies, Dr. Sylvia Tara reveals the surprising science behind our most misunderstood body part and its incredible ability to defend itself. Exploring the ways viruses, hormones, sleep, and genetics impact fat, Tara uncovers the secret to losing weight: working with your fat, not against it.
ESUC @ The Mariners: Saturday, September 28, 6:10 pm
Join us as we have a night at T-Mobile Park! All are invited to the Saturday, September 28, game at 6:10 pm as our Seattle Mariners take on the Oakland As! Tickets are $15 each and must be paid for when reserving online only. Hurry though, we sell out every year! Order now so you have your seat saved! It is also fan appreciation night with the first 20,000 fans getting an Ichiro Funko Pop!