We are so saddened and disappointed to share with you the news of the defacing our Welcoming Congregations banner. Recently, someone cut out the letters LGBTQiA+ from our banner. It is heartbreaking to all of us.
We want to take a moment to send special care to those in our congregation and wider community who identify as LGBTQiA+ who are the most harmed by this action. May this prayer by cristy cardinal bring you peace:
“Beloved queer kin, you are wholly divine. Your queerness is sacred: may you never doubt it, and may the world come to know it. May the blessings of community surround you when you are scared, and when you are full of rage. And may your pride flags hang from reinforced steel flagpoles.”
This hate crime will be reported to Bellevue police. We will be replacing the banner with a new one as soon as possible because this type of vandalism will not change who we are or who we welcome. We will continue to fight injustices and oppression with LOVE. East Shore will always be a safe space for those in the queer community and we will embrace them for their full selves.
With love,
Rev. María Cristina Vlassidis Burgoa, Nicole Duff, Rebecca Chatfield and Amanda Alice Uluhan