Boxes of Fun!

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Pass along games and puzzles you are ready to share, and get some “new” ones!

Culture, Trauma, and Resilience Workshop

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

All those who identify as women are invited to join us as we continue the hands-on Doll Project, and interactively explore the impact of colonization, historical trauma, and the loss of Indigenous identity fueling the MMIWP (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People) crisis. Our presenter, Carolyn DeFord, will also educate us on the importance of Native American culture in identity and resilience.

Refusing the Binary

Online Event

In past eras, articulations of reproductive freedom or “Reproductive Rights” rooted in mainstream culture, were legal-centric. The 2022 overturning of Roe v. Wade as a matter of “settled law” showed that a different standard must now be applied to insure not only women’s choice, women’s health, and women’s body autonomy, but also women’s access to comprehensive networks of support, education, and services.

Margaret Fuller Tea

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Women’s Perspective invites all who identify as women to the annual Margaret Fuller Tea. We will honor our newest inductees to the Clara Barton Sisterhood, Barb Clagett and Milly Mullarky, and learn about special UU projects that are changing women’s lives internationally. Barb Clagett, having just returned from India, will describe the impact the school built through our partnership with the Khasi Hills Unitarians; Geri Kennedy will showcase projects conducted through the International Convocation of UU Women.

Women’s Perspective Walk in Bellevue Botanical Garden

12700 Southeast 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Join other ESUC women for a delightful walk in the gardens in full spring bloom! We will meet in the parking lot near the entry walkway. Questions or to sign up, contact Marcia Sill.

Rally for Roe: Freedom for Choice

Off Site WA, United States

Join East Shore Women’s Perspective and other activists on Saturday, June 10 from 12 noon – 1 pm at Renton’s “The Landing” in front of Red Robin, to voice your values. Bring your own sign or use one provided. If you like, we’ll lunch at one of the nearby cafés afterward.

Women’s Perspective Walk in Washington Park Arboretum

Off Site WA, United States

Join other ESUC women for a delightful walk in the gardens in full spring bloom! This is Seattle’s renown park near Lake Washington, known for its gorgeous native trees and shrubs. Dogs on leashes and with “baggies” are welcome.

Women’s Perspective Walk: Mercer Slough Environmental Center

Off Site WA, United States

Join WP members for a walk and lunch together at Square Lotus in Factoria afterwards. Meet at parking lot at Mercer Slough Environmental Center for a trail walk minutes from ESUC with friends old and new.

Women’s Perspective Movie Night: Nomadland

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

All those who identify as women are invited to a movie night in Spring Hall. Join us as we watch Nomadland. A woman in her sixties who, after losing everything in the Great Recession, embarks on a journey through the American West, living as a van-dwelling modern-day nomad. This film won best picture, best director and best actress at the 93rd Academy Awards in 2021.

Women’s Perspective Walk: Kubota Gardens

Off Site WA, United States

All those who identify as women are welcomed to join us for a lovely walk in the beautiful Kubota Gardens and optional lunch together post. Meet at parking lot at 10:00 a.m. to meet up with Geri Kenney, who is a loyal volunteer there and will lead us, pointing out special features.

Women’s Perspective Walk: Juanita Bay Park

Off Site WA, United States

Join with new and old friends at a Women's Perspective walk at Juanita Bay Park. Optional no host lunch together afterwards; location to be determined. Boots and umbrellas may come in handy!

Clara Barton Sisterhood

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Universalist Clara Barton is best known for her work in organizing nursing services during the Civil War and, later, founding the American Red Cross. She did not start this work until she was over 40. The Clara Barton Sisterhood was created in her name as a way for local women’s groups, congregations, and individuals to honor women aged 80 and over for their contributions to their congregations and communities.

Margaret Fuller Tea

East Shore Unitarian Church 12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Women’s Perspective invites all who identify as women to the annual Margaret Fuller Tea. Our speaker for the annual Women’s Perspective Margaret Fuller tea will be our own Carol Sinape who retired from a long career as a nurse practitioner. Did you ever wonder about the different titles of assorted medical practitioners that have developed in modern medicine in America? What is the difference between physician’s assistants and nurse practitioners? How are their training and responsibilities different from other nurses and each other? Women’s roles in practicing medicine have expanded which definitely improved the quality of care for all patients. Carol was in the forefront of changing practices of nursing in America, and practiced in some especially challenging and colorful places.

Women’s Perspective Walk: Issaquah Troll

Off Site WA, United States

All those who identify as women are welcomed to join with new and old friends at a Women's Perspective walk to the Issaquah Troll and lunch together in the Issaquah Commons afterwards!

Women’s Perspective Walk: Crossroads

Off Site WA, United States

All those who identify as women are welcomed to join with new and old friends at a Women's Perspective walk to the Issaquah Troll and lunch together in the Issaquah Commons afterwards!